SAM FELDT | How His New Smash « Heart Like Mine » Was Born w Rosa Linn, Getting To Know Him Better

today23/09/2024 82

AD30America's Dance 30Brian Fink

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SAM FELDT | How His New Smash « Heart Like Mine » Was Born w Rosa Linn, Getting To Know Him Better

with Brian FINK

Celebrating his latest smash « Heart Like Mine », Sam Feldt (‪@SamFeldt‬) joined us for the first time on America’s Dance 30! He shared how it was born w Rosa Linn (‪@rosalinn‬), how long ago they started working on it, how the Coldplay (‪@coldplay‬) melody made it in, and how many different Vs there were of the song before its release. He also gave us an update on how he has been and how the Kygo (‪@KygoMusic‬) tour has been going! We also got to know Sam a lot better w « Finky’s Firsts »!! Find out about: – the first thing he wanted to be when he was growing up – what his first ever job was – where the name ‘Sam Feldt’ came from, and if it was his first choice for an artist project name – the first song he produced – the first dance song that made him fall in love w EDM – the first time he performed for a crowd – the first time he heard one of his songs on the radio – how he first found out he was going to be a dad – the first place he goes to clear his mind


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